List of few questions which you want might to know related to our product, services, process & quality assurance

Frequently Asked Questions

How exactly is Sadia chicken produced, from birth to slaughter?

Step 1: Genetic Purchase — Every year, we go to our partners’ farms to select and buy chickens that are genetically inclined to be healthier.

Step 2: Breeding — The chickens purchased are bred to produce offspring. It is these second-generation chickens that will eventually be processed into our products.

Step 3: Processing — The second-generation chickens are processed into Sadia products. Throughout, we feed our chickens with a diet rich in vitamins and minerals. We also provide training and specialised assistance to our partner farmers and their employees.

Is there a difference in the production process of chickens for the Brazilian market and for the international market?

Each country has its own laws that regulate the production of animals for human consumption. Because of stringent standards set by our Sadia Total Assurance Programme, all our production plants adequately meet the laws and requirements of every market we operate in.

What hygiene and sanitation measures are in place to ensure the quality of Sadia’s chicken products?

We use specific vaccines on our livestock to prevent diseases.

Livestock Monitoring
We regularly monitor the health of our animals, and the sanitation of our equipment and facilities.

People Access Control
At any point from our partner farms to our production facilities, only authorised and trained personnel are allowed to come into contact with our livestock and products.

Bath Before Entry
Personnel are only allowed to enter our facilities after an on-site bath.

Overall Hygiene
Our premises, equipment and vehicles are regularly maintained for hygiene.

What are the environmental conditions of the chicken farms that Sadia uses?

Our partners’ farms are designed to provide the best environmental conditions for our chickens, in accordance to their age and physiological needs. Temperature, humidity, space, light and even airflow are controlled to ensure their healthy development. For example, chickens are more comfortable in a warmer environment when they’re young, and a cooler one in a later stage of life. Our chickens are also protected from natural predators, and kept free from fear and agony.

Does Sadia change the feed composition according to the life stages of the chickens?

Yes. The feeding programme for our chickens changes as they physically change, growing up. We size our feed accordingly so that it’s easy for a chicken to ingest and digest its food. We also change the nutritional balance of our feed to suit the chicken’s nutritional requirement for optimum growth. Such a programme also helps us minimise waste in the production of animal feed, and helps us meet the nutritional standards set out by animal welfare foundations.