Dendeng Fried Rice

Dendeng Fried Rice

cooking-time10 mins cooking-servings2 SERVINGS


  • 200g (approx 5 pieces) thawed Sadia Beef Dendeng, diced into small pieces
Fried Rice
  • 2 servings of cooked rice (or leftover cooked rice)
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tsp minced garlic
  • 2½ tbsp cooking oil
  • Some chopped spring onions
  • 1 tsp salt
  • Pinch of pepper


  1. Lightly beat 2 eggs and add to rice. Mix well and ensure all rice grains are coated with the egg. Set aside for later. 
  2. Add 2 tbsp of cooking oil to pan and saute minced garlic till fragrant.
  3. Next, add in the diced Sadia Beef Dendeng and saute lightly. 
  4. Then, add the rice from earlier and stir fry on high heat.
  5. Move rice to one side of pan. Add the remaining ½ tbsp of cooking oil to the other side of the pan and lightly scramble the remaining 1 egg.
  6. Once the egg begins to set and form bits, combine the rice and stir fry everything together till almost dry. Add in salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Add in diced spring onions. Enjoy! 

Sadia Beef Rendang

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